Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Who Wants To Buy Structured Settlement And Why

Additionally there is one very big question in this process. Who is a reliable and long term buyer, who will honestly pay the money to you? The trust factor is a big one, because the settlements are meant to guarantee your financial future.

1. Who Wants To Buy Structured Settlement?

If you want to use the internet search engines to find companies, who buy structured settlement from you, the first problem is, how to call them, i.e. what search term you should use to find these operators?
Try annuity purchasers, settlement buyers, settlement purchasers, settlement investors, or anything, which will include the words buy structured settlements. Usually the buyer is a third party investor, who will pay you a lump sum of money. The buyer can be a large investment house, smaller company or a group of investors.

2. What Are The Features Of A Good Buyer.

The company, who will buy structured settlement from you must be a reliable buyer. The company must have a legal structure and a good track record. What is important are the successes with the court approvals. They should be able to show, that they can pay the cash for your future settlements.

3. When You Want To Sell, What The Court Will Say?

The sale of the settlement is not that easy. In many American states there are the laws called the structured settlement protection acts, which have certain requirements. First, a judge will investigate the case and decides, if he will approve the sale.

The judge investigates your financial situation, the need of the cash money and if it is wise to sell the settlements. Actually he must issue a court order for acceptance. You will also have a so called cooling period meaning that you can still cancel the deal, despite of the fact that you signed.

4. How To Ask Price Quotes?

It is relatively easy thanks to the Internet. You can find the potential buyers by using the search engines. Then you just fill in your payment amounts, dates and the name of the insurance company. Then the quotes come into your inbox usually within 24 hours. You can contact the buyers also by phone.

5. Can You Trust, That The Quote Equals The Price Paid?

Yes, you can. The price quote is a guaranteed offer, that the buyer will buy your structured settlement with the terms in the quote. Usually you have to accept the quote, or offer, within 48 hours after which it will automatically expire.

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3 comments: on "Who Wants To Buy Structured Settlement And Why"

Cat Ray said...

Most people do not know how to get rid of their structured settlement. A lot of people though want lump sum cash for them. This is possible if you follow the right procedures to do so.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

The buyer can be a large investment house, smaller company or a group of investors. settlement quote

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